DEIA Resources for Psychiatrists
Last updated: 6/11/2024

DEIA Resources for Psychiatrists

The CPS DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility) committee has compiled DEIA resources for psychiatry members and other clinicians. This broad collection includes informational and educational articles, webinars, books and organizations with DEIA focus. These are categorized into Introductory resources, which are intended for someone who is just beginning to learn about this topic and needs to understand the most important core concepts for clinical and personal competency. Advanced resources, which are for individuals who have a basic understanding of DEIA and would like to learn more; this category is organized by topic and is ideal either for your own use or for sharing with your patients. The Other resources are a collection of various local and national organizations, resources, and materials for physicians and others. All of these resources will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis.


Juneteenth Resource Spotlight


Pride Resource Spotlight


Black Queer & Intersectional Collective
The Okra Project
Lama Rod Owens
Therapist of Color Collaborative
Prentis Hemphill
Queer Nature
QTBIPOC Eating Disorder Support





Black Queer & Intersectional Collective
The Okra Project
Lama Rod Owens
Therapist of Color Collaborative
Prentis Hemphill
Queer Nature
QTBIPOC Eating Disorder Support




Culturally Specific Resources
  • Black History Month articles

  • South Asian Cultural Appropriation



Articles/Presentations/Webinars (Healthcare)




Colorado Psychiatric Society COVID-19 Resource List


 July 15, 2020

Psychiatrist Resources on Historically Marginalized Communities - Resources related to the pandemic

For the most complete and up-to-date race and ethnicity data on COVID-19 in the United States, seeThe COVID Racial Data Tracker - a collaboration between the COVID Tracking Project and the Boston University Center for Antiracist Research. Also see NYT -The Fullest Look Yet at the Racial Inequity of Coronavirus - New data — made available after The New York Times sued the federal government — shows the extent of racial disparities: The contraction rate is almost three times as high for Black Americans as white Americans and more than three times higher among Latinos than whites.

CDC webpage onCOVID-19 in Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups - contains data, recommendations on what healthcare systems and healthcare providers can do and discussion of factors that explain why racial and ethnic minority groups are at increased risk during COVID-19 (6-25-20)

JAMA -Taking a Closer Look at COVID-19, Healthcare Inequities and Racism (transcript article and 31 minute video) (6-29-20)

NIH - Director Francis Collins, MD, PhD, discusses the heartbreaking disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on Black and Hispanic communities andthe importance of building stronger relationships with minority communities to build trust as COVID-19 vaccine development progresses (see article not 2 minute video) (6-23-20). Also see STAT -COVID-19 Vaccine Research Must Involve Black and Latinx Participants. Here are 4 Ways to Make That Happen (6-26-20)

Virtual Forum: Healthcare Disparities through the Lens of Diversity During the COVID-19 Pandemic (slidedeck (download) and 2 hour 17 minute video) - AACAP hosted this virtual forum on June 13 highlighting mental health, COVID, and other healthcare disparities related to race and ethnicity among children and adolescents of color.

New York Times -The Challenges of the Pandemic for Queer Youth - Issues include limited access to community support and counseling and, in some cases, quarantining with unsupportive family members (6-29-20)

PsychNews -Hispanic Community and COVID-19: Addressing Health Inequalities Can No Longer Be Delayed (6-23-20). Also see NYT -Many Latinos Couldn’t Stay Home. Now Virus Cases Are Soaring in the Community (6-26-20)

AMA -Widening Social and Health Inequalities During the COVID-19 Pandemic (6-10-20)

JAMA -Strategies for Digital Care of Vulnerable Patients in a COVID-19 World—Keeping in Touch - Without action to address the digital divide,existing health and healthcare disparities will be exacerbated for the nation’s most vulnerable individuals and communities. Article explores these potential dangers and offers strategies to mitigate them (6-12-20)

KFF -Chart of the Week: The Disproportionate Impact of COVID-19 on Black and Hispanic Medicare Recipients (6-26-20)

Hopkins Bloomberg Public Health Magazine -Racism and COVID-19 - In this Q&A, Lisa Cooper, a practicing physician and epidemiologist, discusses racism’s role in COVID-19 cases in African American communities and solutions for the inequities.

AMA Ethics - Ethics Talk:Antiracism, Health Equity, and a Post-COVID Future (22 minute podcast) - AMA Ethics Journal editor in chief, Dr Audiey Kao, talks with Dr Ibram Kendi, founding director of the Antiracist Research and Policy Center and a professor of history and international relations at American University, about the impact of racist policies on historically discriminated-against groups and what it means to be an antiracist (06-20). Kendi uses the metaphor of cancer and its treatment to discuss racism and anti-racism. He also addresses the importance of antiracism among healthcare providers in order to appropriately address health disparities. Of special interest is a section towards the end (approx. minutes 17-19) about the difference between truth and lies, and why it’s so difficult to communicate complicated truths to people who prefer simple one-liner answers.

JAMA -COVID-19 Pandemic, Unemployment, and Civil Unrest: Underlying Deep Racial and Socioeconomic Divides (6-12-20)


Psychiatrist Resources on Historically Marginalized Communities - General Resources

We recognize this is an opportunity for growth so while the following resources are not directly COVID-related, we hope you find them useful.

Selected APA Resources:

American Association For Community Psychiatry -The Leadership Role of Community Psychiatry in Combating Structural Racism (1 hour video) (6-3-20). Many excellent speakers, including a presentation by Dr. Shim on structural racism (starting around minute 6). Also see her article in Stat -Structural racism is why I’m leaving organized psychiatry - a piece by Ruth S. Shim on why she has made the difficult decision to end her membership with organized psychiatry, specifically the American Psychiatric Association (7-1-20)

Taking Back Our Voices — #HumanityIsOurLane by psychiatry resident Chase T.M. Anderson, M.D. (6-30-20) - Also seeRace and Medicine on - a new page presents a selection of articles on race and medicine, with implications for improving patient care, professional training, research, and public health.

Treating Mental Health in the Black Community (1.5 hour video) - Learn how you can better serve Black clients (6-9-20)

Kevin MD -A physician awakens to racism in America (6-15-20)

MD Edge/Clinical Psychiatry News -Examining bias (6-18-20), includes link to Harvard researcher designedImplicit Association Test.

75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice(the list now includes 97 things!)

On Being with Krista Tippett -‘Notice the Rage; Notice the Silence’(51 minute podcast) - The best laws and diversity training have not gotten us anywhere near where we want to go. Therapist and trauma specialist Resmaa Menakem is working with old wisdom and very new science about our bodies and nervous systems, and all we condense into the word “race” (6-4-20). Visit for details on a two session online event on July 25th and August 1 - Reclaiming our Birthright: An Embodied Gathering for Black Men held by Resmaa Menakem and Dr. Kenneth Hardy as well as other events. Also see

·         Black Mental health

·         Colorado Black Health Collaborative

·         Black Man in a White Coat: A Doctor's Reflections on Race and Medicine - Damon Tweedy

·         Addressing Mental Health Disparities Among African Americans/Blacks Through Patient Care - APA Webinar Series